Fanfic exists solely through acts of borrowing and transformation. I thus think very little of efforts to claim copyright in fanfiction. In my humble opinion, it is absurd to want to prevent others from building on the story or using its elements to enrich the imagined world. Such copyright claims are pure hyprocrisy: "I'll borrow what I please from the show's original creators, but don't you dare borrow from me!" Puh-leez.
With the exception of elements noted below, anything in this work may be borrowed for other non-commercial works of fanfic set in the Wizards and Warriors world, so long as:
1. The new work appears on the web. General fanfic should be submitted to
The Land of Aperans for
in the growing library of community fanfic links.
2. The work is not for sale (including fanzines) or publication in
non-electronic form
3. The new work contains a similar "free use" license allowing others in
the community to make use your own transformation of the borrowed
This means as long as you are part of the Wizards and Warriors fandom community, take what you like of the geography, events, or mythology!
All I ask is if you use something significant, please send me an email and let me know once it's online so that I can enjoy it, too. I'd like to see what you do with it! :) A link back to my site somewhere in the work would, of course, be graciously appreciated.
Derivative use of Zyrdicia or Magnus as fictional characters is limited.
They are copyrighted elsewhere in unrelated,
non-fanfic work. Any tangential references to Zyrdicia, or the events in
the un-story, are absolutely, totally fine. I ask only that you not put
in a new story line as a central character without emailing me first to
ask. If you have an idea that you want to explore with her, send me an
email, and I can probably grant a limited license that will solve the
problem. I'd much rather figure out a way to help than a way to shut off
imaginative possiblilities.
I don't own any of the graphics on this site. They are credited at
the bottom of the page where they appear. They are all "linkware" -- if
you snag them, the people who own them will want you to link back to their