Zyrdicia left Krankstoff's hilltop laboratory walking at a quick pace toward the Old City. A light, tropical rain fell, obscuring the afternoon sun. She loved the rain's warm caress. The rain increased as she passed the Temple Gardens. She ducked through the wall to the maze-like gardens, finding shelter beneath an outstretched wing of an angelic stone statue.
The brief shower stopped almost as quickly as it had begun. The rain's misty afterglow gave the sinister garden a dreamlike quality. She found it beautiful. She indulged in a moment of calm, inhaling the earthy scent. It helped to assuage the pounding headache tormenting her.
"Azriok even protects you from the rain."
Zyrdicia stiffened at the Tenaebran words. She had not sensed anyone here. Whoever it was had cloaked his presence masterfully.
"He would be pleased that you instinctively turn to his graven image for shelter in this place."
It was a Sephiroth. Two in one day. She realized with some irritation that he was far more clever than the last one. "Do you hide because you fear I'll banish you from this world as I did Baphim?" she called out.
"I doubt that. I come bearing a gift from your lord." The dark angel materialized in the garden's shadow, leaning thoughtfully against an ancient statue of Zyr overgrown with flowering vines. The stunning creature was obviously of high rank in the infernal hierarchy. He radiated dark magic just as Azriok did. He held a large, dark object in his left hand.
He smiled innocently, "I am Baal."
"Lord of the East, general of Hell's armies..." Zyrdicia muttered, reciting the phrases from a demonology committed to memory. "Why did Zyr send you?"
"Not Zyr. Azriok."
"Ah, you've gotten in bed with Azriok in Hell's war."
"I have, indeed, realigned my loyalty. As for sharing Azriok's bed, no one could ever usurp your position there."
"A Sephiroth with a sense of humor. How charming."
"Azriok was furious to learn that Baphim had harmed you."
"Harmed me?" she asked, befuddled.
"Baphim had your blood on his claws when he returned to Tenaebra. Azriok smelled it immediately." The angel approached her cautiously, his wings fluttering slightly. His eyes fell to her forearm. She noticed for the first time that her long leather glove had a thin slice in it. It looked as though it might have been slit by a razor. She hadn't even felt the wound. "If you were truly human, you would be dead now from the venom," Baal said gently.
"It's of no consequence."
"It is of great consequence to Azriok. He was beside himself with concern for your well being. He made an example out of Baphim, lest any other of our species consider bothering you."
"He kills one of you for bothering me, then sends another to bother me again by telling me of the first one's demise. Typical. Will a third Sephiroth bother me yet again later by reporting that you, too, fell victim to Azriok's rage? The Twilight Prophecy could be triggered by tomorrow."
"He warned me that you might be unpleasant."
"Unpleasant? Azriok tried to abduct me. Baphim annoyed me with his scheming. And Zyr manipulates me with inane errands. Do you expect me to be pleased to see a Sephiroth today?"
Baal's angelic, azure eyes fixed upon her. His voice was tender, almost coaxing. "Baphim's visit was entirely outside Azriok's control. He wants desperately to shield you from Zyr's manipulation. Inviting you to Tenaebra was only for your protection. He would never harm you. He sends you Baphim's wings as a gift, a symbol of his affection." Baal placed the shadowy wings at her feet gracefully. He kept a careful distance from her, not daring to touch her.
"Thank you," she whispered, staring at the severed wings in awe. She had never seen such wings without the Sephiroth still attached to them. By sucking the wings' marrow, she would be able to absorb Baphim's magic. The gift was very precious.
"Do you know what to do with them?" Baal asked.
Zyrdicia nodded. Her eyes mirrored the innocence of his own eyes, the universal blamelessness and purity of angelic species. "Just like Seraphim wings."
"Precisely," Baal smiled. "No wonder you are dear to Azriok. You are as astute as he described."
"I had a remarkable teacher," Zyrdicia answered thoughtfully, her tone subdued.
"And he still has so much to teach you. Of Tenaebra. Of power you have yet to discover."
"Of being seduced so that he can trap me for eternity," she added bitterly.
"That isn't so. You have been the center of Azriok's world since the day he took possession of you. You torment him."
"Forgive me if I fail to shed a tear."
The Sephiroth's gaze became suddenly intense. "Part with your father, Zyrdicia. His era is passing like a setting sun. Stop obeying him, his irritating missions. You are outside his reach now. Your mortal blood endows you with free will. Use it to liberate yourself."
"Azriok sent you to convince me to choose a side in the war--"
"He sent me to convince you not to continue on Zyr's errand. Zyr's reign is almost over. Azriok's is just beginning. You are too smart not to position yourself on the winning side of this."
"Give Azriok my regards, and my thanks," Zyrdicia said sadly.
A look of confusion momentarily touched Baal's beautiful face when he saw the sword in her hand. He vanished a half-second before the blade would have pierced his heart. He escaped banishment. Barely.