In Castle Blackpool, Dirk paced anxiously in his quarters, awaiting the time for his summons before the Council of Magic.
He suspected that it was a hoax dreamed up by Vector and Bethel as some sort of annoying prank. As far as he knew, no king of Aperans had ever been called before this magical group. Until today, no one could even be sure that the council still existed.
As his clock struck the appointed hour, a faint shimmer disturbed the air in the corner of the room. It was time.
Dirk squinted as he appeared in a massive mist-filled chamber. The room was dimly lit and featureless. He could faintly discern the outlines of twelve figures standing in a simi-circle facing him. They wore shimmering silver robes. When he turned to look around, he recognized the forms of Vector and Bethel standing behind him.
"Hi," he said coldly, his sneer revealing his discomfort at being here.
A deep, male voice within the semi-circle answered, "Greetings, King of Karteia. We are grateful that you accepted our invitation."
"I've long yearned for an opportunity to complain about the quality of magical servants you entrusted to my family. One tried to kill me, and the other plotted to take control of my kingdom," Dirk said dryly. "I presume you called me here to announce the assignment of a new wizard for me to command?"
A female voice within the semi-circle said sternly, "There will be no more wizards or witches under your family's command. Vector and Bethel have been released from their allegiance to your family. Your theft of their monocles irrevocably upset the balance of power in the relationship."
"I rather think it restored the balance," Dirk replied, derision dripping from his voice.
"By stealing all three monocles, you have put the fabric of our world in jeopardy."
Dirk heard a hint of emotion in the woman's tone. He was intrigued-to him it sounded like fear. He corrected, "I have but one monocle. Vector's - courtesy of the witch, Bethel. My queen has Bethel's monocle. And I haven't the faintest inkling what she did with Traquil, or his monocle. She could have fed them both to her pet dragon, for all I know."
He sensed surprise in the silence that followed - and he even thought he heard someone sigh in relief. He wondered what it was they thought he had done with the three monocles.
Before he could ask, a new voice to his right said, "Vector's monocle was fated to return to him eleven days ago. You thwarted fate."
"If you dislike Zyrdicia's magic, you can take it up with her, if you dare," Dirk said cockily.
Another voice spoke from Dirk's left, "We could tolerate your possession of a monocle while it was destined to be short-lived. Your queen altered your destiny when she conspired to shield you from Death's reach."
Dirk arched a brow curiously at this revelation, but said nothing.
The speaker continued, "Death declined our request that He disobey her command. And we are now left with no discernible date for the monocle's return."
Dirk's mind raced at the information he had just gleaned. He smiled inwardly and announced cockily, "And I intend to keep it from your clutches until my dying breath." He added glibly, "Which, I gather, may never come."
The figure in the center of the semi-circle spoke then. "As you wish, King of Karteia. But so long as you possess the monocle, we will not permit your queen to return to Aperans. You must choose."
"She comes and goes as she likes. She reacts quite violently to restrictions imposed on her liberty."
"We will not enforce the ban on her return. You will."
"You're as mad as Vector and Bethel. The passage of time has left the whole lot of you senile," Dirk scoffed.
"We will not do battle with her. If she sets foot in Aperans while you are in possession of Vector's monocle, she will be sent to a distant land where she will awaken unaware of who she is or what power she has. She will live out her days with no memory of her own power - or you."
After Dirk's audience with the Council of Magic, Bethel returned him to his chambers in Castle Blackpool. She watched him expectantly, and he stared back silently.
"What?!" he demanded.
"You need me, Dirk," the witch said confidently.
"You overestimate your worth to me without a monocle," he scoffed.
"And you underestimate it," she murmured, her hands grazing the back of his leather armor.
The threat to bar Zyrdicia's return to Aperans had shaken Dirk. He knew in his heart Zyrdicia was not coming back - though he had spread so many lies to the contrary that he'd almost come to believe them himself. Not that he wouldn't have done almost anything to bring Zyrdicia back, if he knew a way. But he was unable to even contact her now. He had struggled for days in vain to come up with some way to get a message to her. There was no commerce between Geshna and Lyr. The magical trade gates were shut. Zyrdicia's servants were gone. His telepathic connection with her had been severed.
As though reading his mind, Bethel said, "Whatever your infatuation with that demon, you have to look out for yourself now, Dirk. You need a magical ally."
"And you are that ally," he mused, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
The familiarity of his old lover's touch was more pleasing than he had expected. He let her encircle him with her arms. Her hands brushed against the monocle hanging from his neck.
He said evenly, "Zyrdicia cast a spell on the chain, Bethel. It cannot be stolen, and any would-be thief would die in the attempt."
"Of course," the witch said coolly, caressing his chest.
Dirk pondered the witch's presence, considering whether she might still have something useful to offer him. And then the germ of an idea formed. He purred, "Are you sure you want to be my witch again?"
"Positive," she answered warmly.
He turned and kissed her roughly. There was no emotion or even affection in the gesture. Nor was there in the sex that followed. It was physical gratification without even the barest hint of warmth. When he was finished, Bethel departed, leaving him to sleep alone, as had always been their custom.