
By the second day of Dirk's coma, rumors were already circulating in Castle Blackpool that he had fallen ill. The chambermaid had spread a story of Karteia's patron goddess battling Death to keep the king alive. The story only added to the queen's divine esteem in the castle's halls, but it created a tense mood in the castle as everyone waited for news on Dirk's fate.

An article also appeared on the front page of the Lyrian Liar documenting Lorion's disappearance. Prior to coming to Karteia, Lorion had left detailed notes that Zyrdicia had summoned him, and per his instructions, the Healers' Guild had released the notes to the press when Lorion did not return at a pre-arranged time. The reporters connected Lorion's mysterious trip to Castle Blackpool with the rumors circulating among Castle Blackpool's servants about Dirk's illness, and the Liar openly speculated that Dirk was suffering from an incurable disease.

When Charles brought Zyrdicia the paper, she cringed inwardly. She was too exhausted from worrying about Dirk to deal with whatever the outside world might be saying about her. But she recognized the bad press for what it was.

Charles coaxed, "Honey, you got to make up your mind what you are going to do. You can't leave things like this."

"I can't be bothered with what the fucking paper is saying right now."

"Well, are we going back to Lyr, or you are you staying to rule this place? If you are coming back to Lyr, the Council is going to want to meet about you killing a guildmaster, and we need to work with Magnus on spin control for that before the meeting. And if you are staying, you need to let the people outside this door know. They already believe that Dirk is out of commission, and that leaves them king-less. They don't do well here without an authority figure."

"That's not my problem."

"It's Dirk's. And since you married him, they think it's yours. You have to decide whether they're right or not."

Zyrdicia stared at Charles blankly. It had not occurred to her Dirk's incapacitation had repercussions far beyond her own misery.

"I see two options," Charles said gently. "We can take him with us somewhere he'll be safe until you and Miss Sindra can fix this. Then you let Karteia go to hell, and Geoff and the generals can fight it out to decide who gets to rule."

"Dirk would never forgive me if I did that," she said darkly, imagining his reaction if he awakened to find his brother on the throne and at war with Karteia's own generals.

"Then we stay here, and you deal with it."

Her mouth twisted unhappily. She was the only one in Karteia who could hold the kingdom together. It would likely shatter into at least six different pieces without a strong leader. Since Dirk had rid himself of the strongest members of the old northern aristocracy, the generals would fill the power vacuum. They were loyal to Dirk because they were afraid of him. Geoffrey would never be able to prevent them from turning on him.


Lady Andrea Crandall unfastened her green brocade cloak and smoothed her gown. She was very nervous to be summoned to Castle Blackpool. She took a seat, alone in the salon. She glanced around anxiously. She had been summoned by the queen, though she had not the faintest idea why.

Andrea had heard the rumor that Dirk was near death, and she was eager to hear whether it was true.

A moment later, Zyrdicia entered, looking haggard from exhaustion. She greeted, "Andrea, thank you for coming on such short notice."

Andrea stood and curtsied formally. She replied, "It's an honor, Your Majesty."

"I told you once before, if we're to be friends, you must call me by my name, not my title."

"I'm sorry. I thought that here..."

"Nonsense!" Zyrdicia scoffed, taking Andrea's hand and leading her to the couch as though she were an old friend. Once they were seated next to each other she asked in a confidential tone, "Have you seen the story in the paper about Dirk?"

"Of course. Is it true?" Andrea asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes. We were on the verge of working things out, but I accidentally put him in a coma."

"When you left the Spider's Web with him, it looked as though you had already worked things out together," Andrea said slyly.

Zyrdicia smirked and said, "Dirk conspired with one of my friends to drug me that night. In that frame of mind, I would have probably gone home with anyone who had asked. Dirk was simply opportunistic."

"How typical of him. He probably considers taking a drugged woman to his bed to be a great feat of seduction."

"I was furious at him when I sobered up. We fought. And he ended up in a coma."

A brief chortle of laughter escaped Andrea. She put her hand to her mouth and said quickly, "Sorry!"

"And now I want him back," Zyrdicia said frowning.

Andrea squirmed uncomfortably. She liked being around Zyrdicia when Zyrdicia was angry at Dirk. She was disappointed to hear that the queen was ready to reconcile with him. Andrea mumbled, "Is the coma curable?"

"I don't know yet."

"We'll hope for the best, then," Andrea said, composing herself quickly. She asked, "How can I be of help to you?"

"My current assistant is in love with Dirk's seneschal, and that means they are loyal first to each other. I need someone to assist me with local matters who has no divided loyalty."

"Most of the men in this castle worship the ground you walk on."

"They may not after they learned I put Dirk in a coma. I have to announce this to them soon."

"I still don't understand why you need me," Andrea said quietly. "I'm not well thought of here."

"All the more reason you will be useful to me. As far as the castle is concerned, I'm bringing you on my staff as a personal servant."

"A lady-in-waiting?"

"Waiting for what?" Zyrdicia wondered, puzzled.

"Waiting on royalty," Andrea grinned, suppressing another laugh. "Every queen must have ladies in waiting. Who dresses you?"

"Gay men. Though they'd probably like the new title."

Andrea's expression became serious. She whispered, "Are you plotting a coup, to take the throne, while Dirk is comatose?"

"I'd rather not use that word."

Andrea mused thoughtfully, "Prince Geoffrey will likely demand to be installed as Regent as soon as he realizes Dirk is in a coma. Fortunately, he doesn't read anything he doesn't have to, so he won't learn it from the papers. You have ample time to orchestrate this."

Proceed to 25.3
