By the time the coach turned from main road to begin its assent up the mountain to Castle Blackpool, sickly green snow fell heavily from the sky. A strong wind howled, its sound joined by the creaking of the coach and the hoofbeats of the horses.
The accompanying soldiers pretended not to notice the sounds coming from the coach. Shortly before they reached the castle's drawbridge, half a scream escaped into the night before being cut-off abruptly. A loud giggle followed.
The coach crossed the courtyard at full speed then came to an abrupt halt inside the castle's spacious stable. None of the soldiers dared to be the one to announce to the coach's occupants that they had arrived. They stared at one another nervously.
Kendall rolled his eyes at the cowardice. He thumped on the coach's door and said simply, "We're home, my lord."
Inside, there was a rustling of clothes and blankets. Kendall went to attend to his horse then, leaving the coachman to deal with the opening of the door.
Dirk exited first, his hair askew and his face aglow. The laches to his armor where undone. He hadn't bothered to replace his codpiece, and left it abandoned it on the seat of the coach. Zyrdicia followed him, looking every bit as tousled. Her leather skirt was askew and showed horizontal creases where it had been pushed up.
Dirk took her hand as she stepped down from the coach. Her feet never touched the steps. He simply pulled her down, floating, from the door. He led her silently to an underground passage beneath the courtyard to avoid having to cross into the castle in the snow.
Inside the castle, they passed the empty throne room. She pulled him toward it. She laughed again for no reason at all.
Dirk shook his head and said, "Not there. We're going to my quarters."
Zyrdicia stopped and leaned against a doorway in the passage. She wriggled against it, feeling the shape of the thick wooden moulding in her back. She suggested, "Here then."
"I tire of public performances tonight, pet. It's time we were alone." Dirk grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her along.
Once inside his chambers, he ordered a hot bath drawn. The servant had scarcely departed before Zyrdicia pounced on him and said, "We're alone now. You promised!"
"Promised what?" he frowned.
"More," she said impishly.
"'More,'" he repeated warmly, "Is that the only word in your vocabulary tonight?"
"Now!" she said, proving there was at least one more she was willing to repeat almost as often.
"Already? It's been just a few minutes since--"
"Now!" she demanded again, laughing.
Her expression drew a smile from him. He reached behind her, taking a firm hold of the thick, black satin ribbon that held her leather corset closed. He jerked it quickly, forcing her to spin around and face away from him. The motion forced another giggle out of her. He unlaced it and tossed the garment across the room. He then reached around her and pulled her back against him so that her bare back pressed against the studs of his armor. The sensation caused her to wriggle in his arms and giggle.
Without warning, his hands tightened around her hips. He lifted her and flung her through the air onto his bed, a couple of yards away. As she lay on her stomach on the mattress for a brief instant, then began to float slowly upwards. She giggled hysterically at the hilarity of it. He took his time to shed his armor. The rest of his clothes - and hers - followed.
She was against him instantly, seeking to have as much of his skin against her as humanly possible. "You are so unbelievably warm," she murmured, fascinated by the sensation.
A tinkling bell in another room announced that the bath was drawn.
"Come," Dirk said, gesturing toward the bath.
"But I want to be amused now," she said matter-of-factly.
Dirk's eyes widened in amusement at her frankness. Seduction was a wasted art on one as drugged as she was. Her certainty that he would accede to her demand was comical to him. Rather than argue, he scooped her up and carried her to the bath.
He set her in the steaming water and then joined her in the large black marble tub. The instant she was in the water, she lost interest in him. She was suddenly intrigued by the sensation of the water on her skin, the ripples on the water's surface, and the wisps of steam.
He was content to watch her for a few minutes. He let the water's heat chase the cold out of his bones. He leaned back against the marble and sighed contently. He was very pleased with himself. He reached up and traced the familiar outline of the angelic scars on her back. She straightened her back and laughed as though it tickled.
He slowly undid each of her braids, freeing her hair. He ran his fingers through the loose curls left behind in her usually straight hair. Even that touch was enough to evoke a purr from her.
"Now?" she wondered softly.
"Yes," he crooned. "Now."
Several hours later, wrapped in the warm comfort of his bed, Dirk settled on top of Zyrdicia, ready to sleep. He was pleasantly spent. Outside dawn had long since broken, and the toxic snow still fell.
For once, though, Zyrdicia did not tire when sun rose. The fairy dust was not yet ready to loosen its hold on the pleasure-seeking center of her brain. She shook him impatiently and said, "I don't want to sleep!"
He replied wearily, "You can't be serious."
She giggled for no apparent reason. She shook him again impatiently.
"Let's sleep a little, kitten. When we awake."
"If you have to rest, I'll find someone else to entertain me."
He stared at her, wondering whether this were some kind of cruel joke to torment him with too much of the very thing he had craved desperately for half a year while the Edict was in place. He knew with absolute certainty that if he didn't placate her, she would leave and go wandering about the castle. He cringed inwardly at the thought of anyone encountering her like this.