Dirk drummed his fingers on the dark wood of his desk impatiently, his eyes blazing as he stared at Kendall. At the knight's feet lay Tristan Ildewynd. The prisoner was unconscious from the beating he had suffered upon capture.
Kendall reported, "I confirmed that your queen was seen in Ildewynd's company several times this week, always just after dusk or just before dawn. I found two people who spotted her walking with him, and at least once, someone saw her going with him to his residence. She spent the entire day there."
Dirk noted the satisfaction in the knight's eyes. The man thought he had uncovered an illicit affair.
Kendall continued, "She was also seen going with the count into an old mine shaft."
"Did you learn of this mine shaft's location?"
"Of course, my lord. I also located Ildewynd's secret residence in Geshna, should she choose to return there."
Dirk nodded in approval. This wasn't exactly what he most wanted for Yule, but it was a close second. His eyes fell on the unconscious man on the floor. He stood up and kicked Ildewynd hard in the stomach. Ildewynd woke up and groaned.
A guard appeared to notify Dirk that the squadron of men he was taking to Geshna would be ready within a quarter hour. Hearing the news, Kendall warned, "The weather is turning bad, my lord. A Snow Blight is brewing."
"You're certain of the storm?"
"I've been away from Karteia a long time. But green clouds at winter can still only mean one thing."
The Snow Blight was a dreaded blizzard formed of deadly precipitation. Like the Rains of Death in the South, this acidic snow ate the flesh from all living things it fell upon.
The storm's timing could not have been worse. Dirk needed to see Zyrdicia tonight at the party in Geshna. This might be his only opportunity to prevent her from divorcing him and unleashing a demon war.
"How much time before the storm hits?" he asked grimly.
"A few hours, maybe. Time enough to get to Geshna, if we hurry."
"And time to kill Ildewynd."
Kendall added, "Or the storm may surprise us and hit while we are out on the road. You're certain this woman is worth this, my lord?"
"Yes," Dirk said darkly, daring his vassal to suggest otherwise.