Erik Greystone wandered around Castle Blackpool aimlessly, scurrying from shadow to shadow to avoid guards.
He overheard the servants discussing the impending Midnight Court. Erik scowled, disliking both the reference to his nemesis as king, and the very idea of anyone holding court in the middle of the night. It seemed to have no purpose but to inconvenience the rest of the kingdom. He found it obnoxious - and very typical of Dirk Blackpool.
In the distance, the long, deep sound of a gong signaled the beginning of the Midnight Court. The halls of the castle emptied as everyone made their way to hear whatever business the king chose to entertain.
The event seemed to be the perfect distraction for Erik. As the guards moved positions to focus their attention on Blackpool, there was an opportunity to search more of the castle for Marko. Erik needed to cover a half dozen towers, plus four enormous, maze-like wings. Without a map, or any hint of Marko's whereabouts, it was clearly going to take a while.
Dirk had a difficult time maintaining his normal, cold public composure with Zyrdicia at his arm. Tonight she was terribly amusing, enjoying the spectacle her public appearance always seemed to cause now.
As the messengers delivered their oral communications, Zyrdicia decided to make it impossible for the king to listen. Mocking the discrete manner in which his advisors sometimes offered counsel, she leaned near and whispered to him as he sat upon his throne. Instead of providing insight on the business at hand, she filled his ear with lascivious suggestions, described in shameless detail.
Finding her imaginative whisperings more compelling than any news from his lesser nobles, he enjoyed her game. He made most of his execution orders arbitrarily, without the slightest idea what any of the blathering servants had to say.
Any time he ordered a particularly elaborate execution for a messenger, she giggled as though it were deliciously funny. It became clear within minutes to everyone in attendance that the event served no purpose other than for the king and queen to entertain each other.
Zyrdicia brought out the most megalomaniacal, irresponsible and reckless qualities in Dirk. And he relished every minute of it. Whereas Saris' conduct in court had seemed grim and bitter, Dirk's pleasure in his own power was unmistakable. Like a diabolic muse, Zyrdicia encouraged every excess, reminding him in wanton whispers how he delighted her.
The instant the second gong sounded to announce the close of the court, he snatched her wrist with an iron grip as he stood up. He ordered impatiently, "Come!"
"Not on command," she answered in a low, playful tone carefully calculated to be audible to the half dozen Karteian ministers surrounding them. Before the king could reply she laughed and nuzzled against him affectionately, conceding, "Usually."
A series of stunned stares met the remark. Zyrdicia's unexpected openness shocked and fascinated. Her effect on the room was electric. Far from being offensive, she was mesmerizing to watch. Everyone in the room wished her public appearances were less infrequent.
Well aware of her effect on the audience, Dirk liked being the object of her attention. His grip on her wrist tightened as they moved toward the room's massive entry way. Amused, he warned, "Your lack of self-control disrupted my entire court. Such misbehavior from you is very dangerous."
"What are you going to do about it?" she challenged, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
He stopped mid-stride, then turned to level his gaze at her. Ignoring the crowd of onlookers, he grabbed her around the waist then and hoisted her over his shoulder. "You'll soon see."
She burst out laughing again then, and let him carry her out of the room like captured booty. In the passageway outside the throne room the castle guards saluted respectfully.
"Err . . . my lord?" one of them coughed, stepping forward.
Dirk turned, recognizing Nelor, his Captain of the Guard. "What?"
"A dungeon patrol found -" Nelor paused, trying not to stare at the perfect, leather-clad posterior slung over the king's shoulder.
Zyrdicia burst out giggling again as she caught the man's thoughts. Dirk slapped the piece of her anatomy Nelor had been admiring and ordered, "Be quiet!"
"They found several of guards unconscious. All the prisoners are secure and accounted for, but we've yet to find who attacked those guards."
"Double the patrols and search every inch of the castle," Dirk ordered, sounding unconcerned.
"It's Erik!" Zyrdicia remarked, still laughing. "I can smell him."
"Of course it is Erik," Dirk scoffed as though nothing could be more obvious.
"Let me down, and I'll find him in two minutes or less," Zyrdicia offered helpfully.
"No, I've other uses for you tonight," Dirk replied darkly. As he turned to leave, he glanced back at his Captain of the Guard and ordered, "When you find this intruder, leave him alive, and hold him in the dungeon for me."
"Shall we notify you in your quarters, my lord?"
"No. See that I'm not disturbed."