Prince Dirk Blackpool sat alone in his war room staring at an enormous map of Aperans covering the table. He was planning troop movements silently, imagining his army crushing the lands to the south. He lips curled at the thought as he indulged in a daydream of dominion.
A blue flash of light to his left interrupted his musings. His Wizard materialized, gray robes swirling.
"Vector," the dark prince growled moodily. "How is it that you always find a way to disturb me when I'm enjoying the most pleasant thoughts?"
The prince's handsome brow furrowed in irritation as he regarded the Wizard. "I am very busy. I have much to plan before we begin the attack on Baaldorf."
The Wizard bowed with an elegant flourish, moving his hand gracefully past his black skullcap. His eyes revealed the mocking sentiment of the gesture. "My lord," he began, "if I am too much of a bother, then I'll leave you to your maps. Perhaps your brother, Geoffrey, would be more interested in the news of terror in Camarand."
Dirk raised his brows in surprise. "Terror in Camarand? What ever are you talking about? By all means, speak!" The idea of disaster striking the kingdom of his mortal enemy, Prince Erik Greystone, was enticing.
Seeing the prince's reaction, Vector replied, "It seems a demon is terrorizing the Greystone peasantry. A dragon-riding demon."
Dirk Blackpool weighed the Wizards words for a moment. "Vector, I am surprised at you. I had thought you had sworn off summoning demons after your disastrous results with Vulkar at Castle Baaldorf. As I recall, I promised to kill you if you ever summoned another one." An icy smile punctuated the prince's final sentence.
Vector's eyes widened. "Oh, no, my lord," he answered quickly, "I assure you, I had nothing to do with this. In fact, the matter is rather puzzling. It seems to have come of its own accord.
"The demon has destroyed three villages in the heart of the most productive agricultural lands in Camarand. The dragon it rides apparently is a black one. Such a beast hasn't been seen on this continent in generations. Black dragons used to live in the swamplands of the south, but with all the troublesome knights down there, the species collapsed. Its breath isn't fire but a poison. Quite charming, really. I've never heard of demons allying with dragons, but why criticize?
"After melting the entire village of sleeping peasants, the demon salts the fields for miles around the settlement. It is indiscriminate in the death it brings. Men, women, children and livestock all perish. Consider it--not only is it slowly depopulating the kingdom, but Greystone's crops will be ruined for years. If this continues, those citizens it hasn't dissolved into oblivion will eventually face famine."
A vicious smile spread over Dirk's face. "Even hell loathes the Greystones' hypocrisy," he whispered. "Are you sure it is only attacking Camarand?"
"Quite. In fact, the attacks are concentrated in the lands protected by Erick's father, King Richard."
The prince thought to himself a moment. It was rare that misfortune should befall the wealthy, glittering lands of the south. Still, after the experience with Vulkar, the thought of demons loose on the continent disturbed him. He wondered what Erick Greystone's reaction to this situation must be. The fool would be heartbroken over the suffering of his people.
"Vector, why would a creature such as this bother with peasants?" The prince almost spit the last word out as though it tasted bitter.
"I wouldn't know," the Wizard responded. He shrugged his hunched shoulders in dismay.
"Surely the heroic boob isn't pleased that this creature has chosen to slaughter his subjects. How has it avoided the fool's meddling?"
"I am not sure of that either. My spies tell me that the Camarandians are building a dragon bow as quickly as they can. It is, after all, something of a lost art," the mage paused, remembering how very long it had been since airborne dragons troubled southern kingdoms. "And the only working specimen is in your armory gathering dust. The creature moves very fast through the air, so they have no way of firing upon it as of right now."
"Vector, I wasn't aware that demons could escape from hell without the aid of a Wizard. Are you sure that this creature is acting without a master?" Dirk asked suspiciously, his blue eyes narrowing dangerously.
The Wizard looked troubled as he replied. "I can be sure of nothing. Your belief is correct, however, that they cannot cross into this world unaided. My minions on the outer planes are curiously silent. They merely confirm the attacker is of hellish origin. I can tell you the great certainty that no other Wizard on this continent could possibly summon one such as this. As I said, it is something of a puzzle. If I had my monocle, my lord, I have no doubt that I could deliver the creature to you to do your bidding."
"But Vector," the prince sneered, "that is precisely what you will do without your monocle. Once we locate it you are then to use your talents in dealing these beasts make me its master. I want to turn its destructive force against Castle Baaldorf . Killing peasants is a waste of its considerable talents. Oh, and Vector?"
"Yes, my lord?"
Dirk's piercing eyes met the Wizard's squarely as he commanded, "No mistakes this time. The fact that you didn't summon it won't keep me from pulling your beating heart from your chest if you try to turn this creature against me."