
Dirk and Zyrdicia left the great hall in silence. He still clasped her hand tightly. For the first time since she had known him, he had to slow his gait for her. She could normally easily match his stride. The narrowness of her gown's skirt made that impossible right now. The visual effect was stunning, but it was utterly impractical for a woman used to freedom of movement.

Her attire forced her to take many small steps, much like a poodle would to keep up with a great dane. Given his grip on her hand, he was very nearly dragging her down the passageway. She was uncertain whether he was ignoring her difficulty deliberately, or merely oblivious to it. In any case, he seemed preoccupied with the success of his coup, his new power as king.

"Damn you! Slow down!"

Dirk turned and looked at her for the first time since they left the coronation. He did not pause in his stride. Instead, he watched curiously as she struggled along behind him. Amused, he quickened his steps deliberately.

She suddenly found her predicament quite funny in its absurdity. She twisted her hand futilely in his, trying to free it before she lost her footing entirely. "Stop it! I hate this!" she gasped, on the verge of a fit of laughter.

She had phenomenal balance, coordination and agility, but she was undone by the need to avoid stepping on the fabric swirling around her feet while taking speedy baby- steps. Laughter made it worse. If she could have slowed down enough to concentrate, she could have levitated herself off the ground and let him drag her. Instead, she caught the hem beneath her feet and lost her balance entirely. She lurched forward.

Before she sprawled on the stone floor, he jerked her unnaturally light body up in the air by the hand still in his custody, then caught her deftly in his arms.

"Don't you even think of laughing!" she blurted out when she saw his face.

He made no effort to hide his amusement at her expense. "When did you become so clumsy?" he chided.

"You caused it!"

"Hardly," he smirked. "I merely prevented your graceless attempt to become better acquainted with the flooring."

"Such compassion," she smiled thinly.

"As much as I enjoy the thought of you prone at my feet, it really would not do for anyone else in the castle to see the queen of the North in such a humbled position." He adjusted his grip on her body then proceeded to carry her toward his quarters. His eyes still twinkled in amusement. He glanced down at her and added, "I think I shall have you attired this way all the time now. It will limit your capacity to cause mischief."

"Very funny. I'll remember that when you ask me to butcher southern soldiers."

Proceed to Part 19
