
Charles listened to Zyrdicia relate the details of the new prophecy while he finished her nails. He sat back and ran his fingers through his cropped blonde hair, thinking.

"So the problem is that you want to go back and take the arcanium, but if you do, you are afraid it would mean doing what Zyr wants?" he asked, his brows furrowed in puzzlement.

"More or less."

"And if you don't go back, then you are doing what Azriok wants?"


"Either way one of them wins?"

"Uh-huh," she answered glumly.

"Bottom line is you were having a great time while we were there, ignoring the shit with Azriok and Zyr?"

"Most of the time, yeah."

"Tell me again exactly what the Edict says."

"I can't copulate with a mortal," she answered disinterestedly, watching her nails dry.

"So there is no problem. To hell with Zyr and Azriok. You can get the arcanium, play with the prince, and piss all of them off at the same time. Zyr won't get what he wants, and neither will Azriok." Charles grinned shrewdly then added, "Neither will Prince Grumpy, for that matter. You win any way you slice it, honey."

Zyrdicia lips pursed as she pondered Charles' perspective on the situation. The expression gradually transformed into a wry smile, the first since she had met with Philip.

Charles rolled his eyes and muttered, "Philip can't see the forest for the fucking flowers. Doctor of This, Professor of That. Doom-and-fucking-gloom. Why does it take me to figure this shit out?"

Proceed to 10.7
