
"Vector, can you conjure snow orchids?" Prince Blackpool asked suddenly, interrupting the silence of their game of Barkin.

"It is August, my lord. Snow orchids do not bloom without snow," the Wizard answered curtly.

"If they were in bloom I would not need you to conjure them!" the prince growled.

"My magic does not lend itself to such trifles--" Vector muttered disdainfully.

"Speaking of trifles, your life..."

"-Though I suppose I could do it," the Wizard conceded, his resentment obvious. The prince had never asked him to do anything quite as absurd, he thought. He hoped there was some redeeming scheme associated with it. "May I ask..?"



The prince gestured to an enormous bouquet of violet orchids bound in black satin ribbon.

Portia nodded, "I will see that she gets them. But I have to warn you, it probably won't be for a few weeks. The flowers will keep beautifully in a nether room though."

"Where is she?" he asked casually. Portia sensed that he was disappointed, though he hid it carefully.

"She went with two friends, trekking through a jungle in our world. They are in search of some lost temple filled with magical artifacts."

"Ah. And what sort of artifacts is she looking for?"

"Who knows. The people she went with are notorious hack-and-slash adventurers. They will go in, kill every living thing for hundreds of miles around the structure, and then plunder whatever magical toys they find." Portia watched his face. "She was in need of a distraction."

The prince peered at her intently. "From what?"

Portia looked down timidly. "I've probably already said too much."

"No, please," he said in his most charming tone. "Sit down."

Portia recognized what he was doing immediately. She did not particularly care. She had an agenda of her own.

"Now, why did she want to be distracted? Is something troubling her?" he asked, his lush tone lined with concern.

Portia resisted the temptation to roll her eyes at his obvious affectation and pressed ahead, her expression quite serious. "You were. She has been terribly depressed since she left Aparans. Killing takes her mind off of how lonely she is."

"It would seem a more obvious solution would be to come back here, then."

"She has become convinced that you hate her now."

"Of course not. I hope the flowers persuade her otherwise."

"I know she will be thrilled. But..." Portia looked away hesitantly, biting her lip. "You have to understand, no matter what she seems, she is actually very skittish. You scared her before and she panicked."

He regarded the woman for a long moment. Her tone was more imploring than accusatory. Despite the fact that he was entirely uncomfortable with the personal direction the conversation had taken, he needed the information she had to offer. "Because of the Edict?" he asked carefully.

"Exactly. And the fact that it's the first time that she has ever been attracted to a mortal before."

"Oh, come now," he smiled, obviously flattered.

"It's the truth. And it's why she is so upset. It something completely unknown to her and she has no idea what she is supposed to do about it. She is very innocent about human attraction."

The thought of such a murderous, spiteful, brazen creature being innocent about anything would have been laughable had he not seen the inexplicable angelic look in her eyes on so many occasions. That look was innocent. And yet it often seemed to appear at moments when she was being most cruel. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want her to be happy."

"I thank you for your candor."

Proceed to 10.5
